Blog Articles

Please enjoy INDY Neurofeedback’s Blog! We will be sharing information and news that’s pertinent to you and your family’s mental and physical health and wellbeing, and sometimes just fun and interesting! The bottom-line is we actively research and pursue continuing education as it is crucial in this field.

Look for news, tips, information, ideas, and support on a host of topics including how neurofeedback works for children, teens and adults — addressing everything from improving memory and concentration to reducing performance anxiety and increasing self-confidence.

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Can Aromatherapy Help With Brain Health?

The simplest answer is that we don’t know for sure. But in…
mens brains versus womens brains

Are Male And Female Brains Different?

Quite a few people think so. In the not so distant past, medical…

Non-Prescription Help With Adult ADHD

Although many associate ADHD or ADD diagnosis with children,…

Brain Mapping Can Identify ADHD

In 2013, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first…
brain mapping and neurons

Neurons, The Amazing Building Blocks Of Our Brains

“The human brain is nothing short of amazing,” says Leanne…

What is Anxiety Disorder?

According to the National Institutes of Health, some 2.6…

New Study Shows How Neurofeedback May Help Brains Self-Regulate

Cognitive behavioral therapy, commonly known as CBT, can help…

You Really Aren’t Losing Neurons As You Age

You may be chalking up those small moments of occasional forgetfulness…
child playing alone, austism speaks

Neurofeedback Can Help Those On The Autism Spectrum

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that seems to be on the…