Blog Articles

Please enjoy INDY Neurofeedback’s Blog! We will be sharing information and news that’s pertinent to you and your family’s mental and physical health and wellbeing, and sometimes just fun and interesting! The bottom-line is we actively research and pursue continuing education as it is crucial in this field.

Look for news, tips, information, ideas, and support on a host of topics including how neurofeedback works for children, teens and adults — addressing everything from improving memory and concentration to reducing performance anxiety and increasing self-confidence.

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Latest News

How Screams Trigger Our Brains 

Why is it that a high-pitched scream causes us to drop everything…

How Your Brain Reacts to Fright

Why do some of us like getting a good scare now and then? When…

How is Neurofeedback Different From Biofeedback?

At INDY Neurofeedback, a frequently asked question is, “What…

Is Your Child’s Behavior Typical for his/her Age?

With school back in session, parent-teacher conferences are right…

What are Brainwaves and Why Do they Matter?

Good question that gets to the science of INDY Neurofeedback…

How Regular Exercise Benefits Your Brain

It’s fairly well known that research studies are finding that…

How We Process Learning Intentionally And Unintentionally Is Very Different

Would you have trouble memorizing and repeating back ten un-related…

Walking Backward And Brain Function

According to a fascinating recent Harvard University Psychology…
woman yoga beach deep breathing exercises

How We Breathe Influences Brain Functions And Behavior

Did you know that the rhythm of your breathing influences brain…