Entries by INDYNeurofeedback

Slow Walking, Slow Mind?

What is the pace of your usual walk? Brisk and peppy, or slow-paced? Turns out that the gait of your walk provides reams of information to onlookers and health practitioners about your age – and brain health. Physicians have long used walking speed as a marker for cognitive capacity in older people, since gait is […]

Persistent Bullying Can Damage Adolescent Brains

Bullying adversely affects millions of young children and adolescents. All too often, the effects last years and sometimes, even decades. The problem is so widespread, it has been recognized as a global health challenge by the World Health Organization and The United Nations. Bullying is defined as repeated and intentional verbal, physical, and anti-social behavior […]

Protect Your Brain by Lowering Your BMI

Losing a few pounds may help you stay sharp, according to a recent U.S. study published in the journal Neurology.  The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine study looked at just under 1,300 adults, checking weight, BMI (body mass index), inflammation, and dementia.  The lead study author found that having a higher BMI and […]

How Screams Trigger Our Brains 

Why is it that a high-pitched scream causes us to drop everything and give 100% of our attention to the source of the noise? It’s not just because screams are loud. Lots of other things in our daily lives are loud. But high decibel screams in particular are impossible to ignore.  Here’s why: Human screams […]

How Your Brain Reacts to Fright

Why do some of us like getting a good scare now and then? When something startles you, your body’s response is pretty interesting. And like so many things, it all starts with our amazing brains. Here’s why we jump and how getting scared works: When we experience something scary, your brain sends out an immediate […]

How is Neurofeedback Different From Biofeedback?

At INDY Neurofeedback, a frequently asked question is, “What is neurofeedback?” And secondly, “Is this the same as biofeedback?” “As the owner of INDY Neurofeedback, my answer is that biofeedback is the general category — a method of gaining information by monitoring skin temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, brainwaves and other body conditions. Biofeedback has […]

Is Your Child’s Behavior Typical for his/her Age?

With school back in session, parent-teacher conferences are right around the corner. For parents of a very active elementary school child, the issue of ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) may come up. If so, what questions should you be asking? The first thing to appreciate is that every child is unique, so no single listing of […]